Member accounts

Documentation for Tapir, a member management website

Member accounts

Members don’t automatically get an account on Tapir. The account gets created with a manual step after creating the member, by clicking the “Create Tapir account” button on the member’s page. The button is only visible for member’s that don’t already have an account.

Examples of members who don’t need an account :

Upon creating an account, an email gets sent to the corresponding member, containing their username and a link to set their password.

The username for the created account gets set on creation and can not be changed later.

Logging in

Members can log in with their username or password. If they forgot one or the other, they can ask for a password reset link to be sent by email. Their username is included in the email.

Logged-in users can change their passwords from their password page.

If a member forgot their username, password and email-address, they can contact the member office. People with member office access can re-send the account activation link from the member’s page, that will include the username and a password reset link.

Access rights

Members have limited access to information. There are two access levels :

Normal members typically only have access to information that concerns them. They cannot edit their own information. They can’t see for example the private information of other members. Information that they can see that doesn’t directly concern them include :

Members with member office access can see and edit all the information available on Tapir.